La reprise du plein appui après une ostéotomie se fait généralement 1 mois après l’intervention.
Suivez les recommandations prescrites sur l’ordonnance qui vous a été remise. En cas de doute, veuillez contacter votre médecin traitant.
Oui, sous réserve d’avoir indiqué l’intégralité de votre traitement habituel au cours de la consultation d’anesthésie. Il ne faut pas associer d’autres anti-douleurs.
A la sortie d’hospitalisation, vous aurez la date du rendez-vous de consultation post opératoire (J+30 environ). Vous êtes de plus en contact permanent avec votre chirurgien via le site Orthense.
Good personal hygiene helps prevent the risk of infection during your operation.
Only use clippers to remove hair from the area to be operated on. If you don’t have clippers, the hair will be removed in hospital. Razors should not be used.
Remove all jewelry (earrings, wedding rings, etc.) and piercings to be left at home; remove nail polish (hands and feet) and make-up.
• shower with liquid soap and shampoo, use a washcloth and clean terry towels;
• put on clean pyjamas and sleep on clean sheets;
• brush your teeth thoroughly.
Do not bring valuables or money with you, as the hospital accepts no responsibility for them.
You are responsible for all your belongings in your room.
• Shower and shampoo again.
• Remove all jewelry, piercings,contacts, glasses, hearing aids and dentures.
• Brush your teeth thoroughly.
• Do not eat, drink or smoke(including electronic cigarettes, chewing gum or candy), as recommended by youranaesthetist.
• Your usual medications(prescription, OTC)
• The treatment that may havebeen prescribed during the anaesthesia consultation
• Your social security card orhealth insurance card
• A piece of identification
• Any medical equipmentprescribed: splint, crutches...
• Imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT scanof the operated limb)
• Any document given during thesurgical or anaesthesia consultation
You will be welcomed on the day of thesurgery at the Pierre-Paul Riquet Hospital admissions office.
Before leaving for the operating room, thenursing team will check that the cleansing has been carried out correctly.
You should report any skin lesions. A nursewill collect your treatments, X-rays, and documents to be signed.Once the surgery is done and before leavingthe hospital, take the time to check everything and, if necessary, ask thedoctor any questions.
You must follow these hygiene rules.
Hair removal in the area to be operated on should be done exclusively with clippers, as requested by the surgeon.
If you do not have clippers, the hair will be removed at the hospital.
Avoid using a razor.
Remove all jewelry (earrings, wedding rings...), piercings that you leave at home; remove varnish (hands and feet) and makeup.
In the evening, you must:
• Take a shower with liquid soap and shampoo. Use a washcloth and clean terry towels;
• Put on clean pajamas and sleep on clean sheets.
• Brush your teeth thoroughly.
In the morning, at home.Following the rules of hygiene, take a shower and use shampoo;
Remove all jewelry (earrings, wedding rings, etc.) and piercings and leave them at home; remove nail polish (hands and feet) and makeup.
Thoroughly brush your teeth.
Dress in loose, comfortable clothing and shoes without heels.
You must remain fasted (do not drink, eat, or smoke electronic cigarettes, no chewing gum, or candy) according to the anesthesiologist's recommendations.
- your usual medications (prescription, OTC)
- the treatment that may have been prescribed during the anaesthesia consultation
- your social security card or health insurance card
- a piece of identification
- any medical equipment prescribed: splint, crutches...
- imaging (X-rays, MRI, CT scan of the operated limb)
- any document given during the surgical or anaesthesia consultation
Do not bring valuables or money; the hospital is not responsible for them.
You are responsible for all your belongings and objects kept in your room.
The presence of a companion is mandatory upon your return home but is not required in the hospital during your stay.
For admission formalities, please go directly to the reception of the ambulatory unit (Hall A, 1st floor.)
Before going to the operating room, the nurse will check that your hygiene and preparation are complete.
Remove glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids and dentures.
Report any skin lesions to the health care team.