Professeur Etienne Cavaignac
Written by Professor Etienne Cavaignac

Driving after knee replacement surgery, like any other activity, requires caution and prior rehabilitation. You can resume walking and sports activities when your surgeon and physiotherapist agree that you are ready.

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Make an appointment now with Professor Etienne Cavaignac, orthopaedic surgeon specializing in knee surgery and sports traumatology.

Gradually resuming activities such as walking and driving after knee replacement surgery is essential to optimise healing.

A methodical and supervised programme maximises the benefits of knee replacement surgery while minimising the risk of complications. Below, you will find the recommended timelines to help you successfully navigate this rehabilitation period.

Walking after knee replacement surgery

Normal walking after knee replacement surgery is one of the first activities patients should resume. It plays a crucial role in rehabilitation by helping to strengthen muscles, improve joint mobility, and promote blood circulation, which is essential for proper healing.

Walking Progression

  • Immediately After Surgery: Walking with a cane after knee replacement surgery is recommended starting on the first day after surgery.
  • First Weeks: Walking should be done carefully, avoiding uneven surfaces to reduce the risk of falls. During this period, the goal is to slowly transition from assisted to unassisted walking, gradually increasing the distance and duration of daily walks.
  • Beyond 6 Weeks: Patients can usually start walking longer distances and integrating more specific strengthening exercises under the guidance of their physiotherapist.

Practical Tips

  • Use Appropriate Footwear: Wear good shoes with non-slip soles to prevent slips and falls.
  • Avoid High-Risk Activities: Do not engage in activities that involve running or jumping during the first months following surgery to avoid placing excessive stress on the newly implanted joint.

Driving after knee replacement surgery in your right leg

Driving after knee replacement surgery in your right leg requires good coordination of movements and the absence of any pain that could interfere with your ability to react quickly if necessary.

Typical Timelines for Resuming Driving

Most patients can consider resuming driving after partial knee replacement or total knee replacement about 4 to 6 weeks after surgery, provided they can move their leg without pain and react quickly if needed. It is crucial to get your doctor's approval before resuming driving after total knee replacement in your right leg.

Preparing for Driving

  • Practice Flexibility Exercises: Perform regular exercises to improve knee flexibility and strength, which will make it easier to control the pedals when you resume driving after a knee replacement.
  • Start with ShortTrips: Evaluate your comfort and safety before resuming your normal driving schedule.

Return to sports after knee replacement surgery

The return to sports after knee replacement surgery must be planned carefully and supervised by a healthcare professional. You should follow a rehabilitation programme that has been personalised to your needs and goals and that is regularly reassessed.

Timelines Vary by Sport

  • Low-Impact Sports: Activities such as swimming and cycling can often be resumed 6 to 8 weeks after surgery. These sports are beneficial because they strengthen your muscles without putting excessive stress on your newly implanted joint. Rehabilitation is faster for a partial knee replacement.
  • High-Impact Sports: Sports involving twisting or jumping movements, such as tennis, should generally be avoided or significantly limited for at least 6 months. Do not resume these activities until you have the approval of your surgeon and physiotherapist.

A partial knee replacement allows for a quicker resumption of sports activities than a total knee replacement.

Tips for Successful Sports Rehabilitation

  • Adhere Strictly to the Rehabilitation Programme: Follow your physiotherapist's instructions exactly and attend all your rehabilitation sessions to optimise the recovery of your joint mobility and strength.
  • Incorporate Strengthening Activities: Add muscle strengthening and balance exercises to your routine to improve proprioception and knee stability.

Orthense: Digital Monitoring for Resuming Activities After Surgery

Orthense is a digital healthcare solution deployed by Professor Cavaignac to monitor patients before and after surgery. This platform enables regular and remote personalised follow-up.

Through online interactions such as questionnaires and specific information, communication between the patient and surgical teams is improved, resulting in more effective and personalised rehabilitation.

Resuming activities after knee replacement surgery should be gradual and supervised by healthcare professionals. By following the advice and recommended timelines from Professor Cavaignac, patients can maximise their recovery and return to a satisfactory level of activity while ensuring the longevity of their new knee. A proactive and informed approach ensures effective rehabilitation and a better quality of life post-surgery.

Professor Etienne Cavaignac, a knee expert, is available to answer your questions. Do not hesitate to contact him by email at or through the online contact form.

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